About Us
Unicorn Palace first opened on April 30, 2022, as an extension of Evil Twins Piercing Studio.
Our goal was to design a space designated for children 4 and up to have their ears pierced in a comfortable, safe, sterile, professional environment only using sterile one-time use needles. Our piercing staff is highly trained to handle the needs of all children.
From there we incorporated salon services as well as hosting birthday parties and retail sales.
This then led to the opening of Unicorn Castle in Lake Wales Fl providing the same professional services.
We look forward to more opportunities to open future stores around the country.
Unicorn Palace
Eastland Mall
800 N Green River Rd
Evansville In, 47715
Macys Wing
Unicorn Castle
Eagle Ridge Mall
451 Eagle Ridge Drive
Lake Wales, Fl 33859
Next To Bowling Alley