Congratulations on your new piercing! This aftercare sheet was created to help you through the healing process and beyond. We will go the extra mile to ensure your piercing will look great, feel great and heal easily. While healing, you can give your piercing the attention it deserves by following these simple suggestions;
Sterile Saline, such as NeilMed Wound Wash Piercing Aftercare.
Wash hands thoroughly before cleaning or touching your piercing. Hands collect a lot of bacteria and can be passed to your fresh piercing. Rinse with your solution no more than 2 times a day. Over cleaning your piercing can cause you to kill your good bacteria that is needed for healing. Make sure you break loose any discharge such as “crusties” and leave the area free of any debris. Moving or rotating jewelry is not needed during your cleaning process. Dry your piercing after cleaning with a gauze or other disposable paper products. Wash cloths or towels harbor unwanted bacteria and can be passed to your new piercing. Keeping your piercing dry is very important due to bacteria build up.
You may experience no side effects; however, it’s not uncommon to experience any of the following:
*Bleeding, bruising, and/or swelling
*Secretion of whitish-yellow liquid (this is not pus)
*Irritation due to sleeping
Piercing may have a tendency to have “ups and downs” during the healing process. Be patient and always clean your piercing for recommended time, even if it looks and feels healed.
*Leave the piercing alone except to clean
*Leave the piercing in at least 12 weeks unless instructed otherwise by piercer. Piercing will shrink or close up within minutes, even if you've had the piercing for years.
*Make sure your bed sheets are clean and changed frequently while healing.
*Clean your telephone receiver frequently for fresh ear piercings.
*Wear clean cotton clothing in the area of a body piercing.
*Get enough sleep, eat a nutritious diet and avoid undue stress. All of this does play a factor into your healing.
*Avoid recreational drug and alcohol use.
*Use caution when exercising . Avoid any tight fitting clothing in the area of your piercing and always clean your piercing after workout.
*Shield piercings from hairspray and other beauty products such as make-up.
*Take showers instead of baths.
*Avoid tanning beds and direct sun.
*If your piercing does become infected, the jewelry should be left in to allow drainage. The holes can close up if the jewelry is removed which may result in an abscess. You also do not want to let an infection close into your body. If you feel that you have an infection, please contact your piercer immediately.
*Touch your piercing with dirty hands.
*Rotate the jewelry.
*Use rubbing alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, iodine, Bactine or Hibiclens.
*Use Bacitracin, Neosporin, or any ointment.
*Over clean
*Use adhesive bandages on a new piercing.
*Sleep on a healing piercing. This is very important with any ear, nipple or navel piercings.
*Go into pools, lakes, hot tubs, etc. for 1 month,
*Let lotions, makeup or any personal care products get into piercings.
*No charms or other objects hanging from your jewelry.